Monday, October 19, 2015

First Do Now On My Blog

words of encouragement, quotes, sayings, struggle: The Journey, Stay Strong, Strength, Mental Health, Marathons Training, Home Health, Inspiration Quotes, Mean Quotes, 15 Years

1. Write about whatever you’d like to--something that’s been on your mind, something that just happened, something that’s been bugging you, a goofy story (true or fictional), a poem…

Lately whats on my mind is if i can change what has been done because because my progress report came out much better than the first but I got one np for science. so Im pondering what can I do to change this grade my mom and Mr. Tieuel aNd got me like a tutoring and have it during after school Monday and Friday. So im trying to figure out can i increase my grade faster. I know that I can do better and so i think i could of done better. Now i think about my grade even more than i thought.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Nature is beautiful thing full of amazing birds and animals but  many things hurt the animals, birds, and nature in general. Many things in nature or never explored because of technologies biggest creation the phone! The phone distracts the average person for most of their day. Their other things like a car because they cause pollution. pollution is poison for a plant/trees. And people cut trees down just to advertise  on a billboard. they also cut down trees for things like staplers, and hard drives.

Fear is ugly. its a feeling that no one likes but it helps you surpass this fear at the same time. you can try to run from it but you cant thats why you have stand up to it and feel great that you did or you will be consumed by your fear.